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Mission 2d: Enjoining Aspirants to Raise Funds Through Their Websites and RevNig

raise funds

The RevNig Movement (RevNig) enjoins aspiring political office holders to build a website and join RevNig to access its organisational support: raising funds and mobilising supporters for their political ambitions.

Initially, candidates shall raise money through their websites or blogs. For example, an aspirant may have 10,000 followers sign up for a $1 monthly support or 1000 supporters to donate $10 each month; $10,000/month will get some started. All the more so with hundreds of thousands or millions of followers. It all depends on how much is needed to accomplish the political ambition. With proper planning, candidates can raise any sum of money. Ortos Web Design is waiting to help create a fundraising platform for revolutionary candidates at no service cost.

When we nominate candidates through the opinions of RevNig’s supporters, the Movement will mobilise its projected 20 million+ supporters to raise funds for the chosen aspirants for electioneering campaigns and other political activities.

Senator Bernie Sanders demonstrated the power of crowdsourcing on and offline in the 2016 American presidential election when he raised more than $200m in small donations from 2.3 million followers. Nigerians can do even more.

Fellow Nigerians, if we, the ordinary Nigerians, develop a strong will, which RevNig believes we will, we will not need much money to defeat those causing us pain – our leaders. 


 “Our human compassion binds us the one to the other–not in pity or patronisingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future“– Barack Obama.

Join the RevNig Movement.

Please read on.

Mission 2a: Urging Potential Leaders to Reach Out to Nigerians

Mission 2b: Imploring Aspiring Leaders to Coalesce with Like-Minded Patriots 

Mission 2c: Requesting Would-Be Leaders to Get Ready for Future Elections

Mission 2d: Enjoining Aspirants to Raise Funds Through Their Websites and RevNig

Calling on Nigerians Who Hate Politics to Consider Again

Promoting the Ideals of the RevNig Movement

Calling on Responsive and Responsible Nigerian Elites to Lead

Calling on Nigerians Who Hate Politics to Consider Again

Nigerians who hate politics

The RevNig Movement (RevNig) calls on Nigerians who hate politics to give it a second thought. Those who say that because politics is a dirty game, they do not partake must get out of their faint-heartedness. It does not make sense if politics decides the value of money in their pockets, the quality of food on their table, the quality of the infrastructure they use — roads, hospitals, schools, potable water supply, and, above all, their peace and security.

If politics is a dirty game, it is time to clean it up.

Fellow Nigerians, you do not need to be a politician to make change happen. Supporting RevNig does not brand you a politician but an agent of change. You only need to register to vote, join the RevNig Movement and get ready to nominate and vote for revolutionary leaders that will take over the mantle of leadership in Nigeria. 

No more excuses!

We urge Nigerians who hate politics to join  RevNig’s 20 million+ voters’ force today; together, we will clean up politics and improve our lives.

In the words of Nelson Mandela: 

“As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.”

Please read on:

Mission 2a: Urging Potential Leaders to Reach Out to Nigerians

Mission 2b: Imploring Aspiring Leaders to Coalesce with Like-Minded Patriots 

Mission 2c: Requesting Would-Be Leaders to Get Ready for Future Elections

Mission 2d: Enjoining Aspirants to Raise Funds Through Their Websites and RevNig

Calling on Nigerians Who Hate Politics to Consider Again

Promoting the Ideals of the Revolutionary Nigeria Movement (RNM)

Calling on Responsive and Responsible Nigerian Elites to Lead

Promoting the Ideals of the RevNig Movement

Promoting the Ideals of the Revolutionary Nigeria Movement

The RevNig Movement (RevNig) requests celebrities, activists, media houses, religious organisations, and everyday Nigerians to help promote the ideals of RevNig through their websites, social media platforms and by word of mouth. The movement needs 20 million+ supporters to achieve its goals. Every concerned Nigerian must help spread the ideals of RevNig.

The top ten Nigerian celebrities have a combined total of 100 million+ Nigerian fans following them online. Nigerian celebrities that abound in the entertainment industry, sports and the likes can mobilise RevNig’s 20 million+ voters’ force to help elect responsible and responsive Nigerians into positions of authority.

The same goes for religious organisations. Millions of Nigerians, seeking better lives, visit churches, mosques and shrines. It is time these followers knew that better life starts with action. They must understand that God’s blessing comes only from measures taken to make their prayers worthwhile. Nigerians must realise that they must register to vote for men of honour before seeking God’s blessings if they want a better life.

On this note, we call on Nigerian celebrities, activists, media houses, and houses of worship across the country to tell their fans or followers to go out there and register to vote. In addition, they also must help spread the ideals of the RevNig Movement to help raise a 20 million+ voters’ force.

Join us

Please read on.

Mission 2a: Urging Potential Leaders to Reach Out to Nigerians

Mission 2b: Imploring Aspiring Leaders to Coalesce with Like-Minded Patriots 

Mission 2c: Requesting Would-Be Leaders to Get Ready for Future Elections

Mission 2d: Enjoining Aspirants to Raise Funds Through Their Websites and RevNig

Calling on Nigerians Who Hate Politics to Consider Again

Promoting the Ideals of the RevNig Movement

Calling on Responsive and Responsible Nigerian Elites to Lead

Calling on Responsive and Responsible Nigerian Elites to Lead

Responsible Nigerian Elites

The RevNig Movement (RevNig) calls on responsible Nigerian elites who are ready to make sacrifices for Nigeria to come out and lead the revolution. True nationalists who will roll up their sleeves and volunteer to dig Nigeria out of the never-ending pit of darkness our so-called leaders have dug the nation into. Patriots who will sacrifice personal aggrandisement and the grandeur of power for the upliftment of their fatherland. Men of honour who will offer to serve Nigeria with little or no benefit but for the overall good of the nation.

Professionals in science and technology, information technology, medicine, engineering, economics, artificial intelligence, forensics, robotics, activism and the like, at home and abroad, who possess the knowledge that will help propel Nigeria into economic prosperity must live up to their responsibilities today!

It is time you responsive and responsible Nigerian elites came together. Never again must you doctors and professors allow yourselves to be used only as electoral or returning officers for touts who are hardly qualified to be in elective positions. Never again must you continue to kowtow to the whims of empty-headed touts who call themselves Nigerian leaders. At no time again must you leave the stage for criminals to ruin our country. You must now come out of your shells and claim your rightful place in the governance of Nigeria.

It is not enough to murmur in your bedrooms or criticise quietly; you must act now! The RevNig Movement is providing you with an open platform to operate.

No more excuses! Join us now!

“I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.” — Charles de Gaulle

Please read on.

Mission 2a: Urging Potential Leaders to Reach Out to Nigerians

Mission 2b: Imploring Aspiring Leaders to Coalesce with Like-Minded Patriots 

Mission 2c: Requesting Would-Be Leaders to Get Ready for Future Elections

Mission 2d: Enjoining Aspirants to Raise Funds Through Their Websites and RevNig

Calling on Nigerians Who Hate Politics to Consider Again

Promoting the Ideals of the RevNig Movement

Calling on Responsive and Responsible Nigerian Elites to Lead

Mission 3: Raising Funds for Community and Self-Help Projects

raising funds

Fellow Nigerians,

Thanks to the Internet, the ability to raise our voices, organise ourselves and fundraise for the good of humanity has never been more effortless. Before long, RevNig will engage its envisioned 20million+ supporters in a fundraising drive that benefits the everyday people across Nigeria.

Before long, the RevNig Movement will start raising funds for candidates from supporters of the movement, online and offline, to running their campaigns, if need be.

The RevNig Movement will also commence crowdfunding for innovative startups and community development projects that benefit creative individuals and communities, respectively. Projects relating to potable water supply, healthcare, education, agriculture, research, science and technology, etc.

The RevNig Movement enjoins Nigerians who have political ambitions, startup or community development projects to execute but lack funds to start now by creating awareness about the initiative or project through an online platform. The knowledge of the project will facilitate fundraising.

The RevNig Movement urge Nigerians to join in the battle to relieve our people of the misery they face today.

NOTE: Projects endorsed by the RevNig Movement will undergo strict scrutiny in accountability and transparency. The RevNig Movement and other interested parties must have constant access to information about the use of donated funds. This information will be available to donors on RevNig and the project executor’s website.

Ortos WebDesign is volunteering to create fundraising websites, free of service charge, for those who have projects that will benefit the everyday Nigerian. Ortos will also guide such sites toward achieving their fundraising strategy and goals.

Please read on:

Mission 3a: Fundraising for Political Campaigns in Successive Elections

Mission 3b: Crowdfunding for Community Projects Across Nigeria

Mission 3c: Fundraising for Innovative Start-Up Projects

 Calling on Nigerians to Give Directly to Projects That Benefit the People