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Mission 1c: Motivating the 10 Million Nigerians in the Diaspora

Nigerians in the diaspora

The RevNig Movement (RevNig) is reaching out to the millions of Nigerians in the diaspora to join the movement in its mission to lessen the misery Nigerians are facing back home. The more than estimated ten million Nigerians overseas can decide who governs the nation if they come together to act and speak in unison.

Though Nigerians abroad are disenfranchised by those who fear the difference their votes will make, they still can reach out to dependants: family, friends, employees, kins and the likes–back home.

Suppose each Nigerian in the diaspora persuades at least two unregistered or unenthusiastic dependants back home into registering and voting. In that case, the more than 10 million Nigerians overseas could influence over 20 million voters back home. That is about five million more votes than the votes that won the All Progressives Congress (APC) the presidency in the 2019 presidential election.

Fellow Nigerians in the diaspora, your more than $24b yearly remittances are the lifeblood of the Nigerian economy. While you bring in your hard-earned money into the country, our so-called leaders, on the other hand, take out the nation’s resources abroad: Carting away resources that would have complimented your remittances to improving the wellbeing of Nigerians. It is time you diasporans played a significant role in shaping Nigeria’s future. A prominent role will lessen the burden you all face abroad: having to enslave yourselves to make ends meet besides satisfying the yearnings of those you left back home. 

RevNig urges you diasporans to embrace the 20 million+ voters force ideal of the movement and call on at least two home-based Nigerians to join the movement. You all should prompt the unregistered Nigerians to go and register to vote. You must help persuade the registered voters who never go to the polls on election day, making them understand that the only way to relieve ourselves of dubious leadership is to vote for responsible leaders. You should also call on the regular voters, urging them never again to be deluded by the deceits of politicians — broken promises and failed hopes; that it is time to elect responsible leaders to serve us.

Though you diasporans are non-voters, no one prevents you from vying for elective positions or appointments. We urge Nigerian professionals overseas who are ready to serve their fatherland wholeheartedly, to join forces with intellectuals back home to form a responsive and responsible government-in-waiting. A new set of leaders prepared to offer selfless service to their fatherland – from ward to federal level.

Fellow Nigerians, it is high time we fixed our country. If we overhaul our country, there will be no need to seek greener pasture abroad. Never again must you stay aloof while a group of touts – so-called leaders – destroys our fatherland.

Join us now!

Please continue reading.

Mission 1d: Coordinating Nigerians Online to Act Harmoniously

Organising Nigerian Voters at the State and Local Levels of Governance

Calling on Nigerian Youths to Rise Up and Take Their Destinies in Their Hands

Envisaging and Overcoming Possible Obstacles to our Revolutionary Ideals

Reaching Out to the Gangsters That are Destroying Nigeria

Mission 1d: Coordinating Nigerians Online to Act Harmoniously

Nigerians online

The RevNig Movement (RevNig) is reaching out to the 97 million+ internet users on Nigeria’s telecom network and beyond, urging them to join RevNig in our quest for a revolutionised Nigerian society. 

By utilising the internet’s ability to bring people together no matter how far apart, the number of Nigerians online alone can help actualise RevNig’s goal of a 20 million+ voter force needed to impart elections. If they register to vote and join the RevNig Movement, we will use this force to elect responsible and responsive leaders.

RevNig is providing Nigerians with that platform where a 20 million+ voters force will coalesce, speak with one voice and vote in unison for responsible leaders in successive Nigerian elections. The All Progressives Congress won the 2015 presidential election with 15,424,921 (15 million+) votes. Therefore, with 20 million Nigerian voters acting harmoniously toward a common good, we will certainly make our voices heard.

We urge Nigerians online to not only join the RevNig movement but also to help spread its ideals through their social media accounts and blogs.

We call on the hardworking Nigerian celebrities who make money with their talents to use their online platforms to enjoin their millions of followers to embrace the ideals of RevNig to do away with the lazy leaders of today who laze about looting the nation’s resources. It is time these thieves got themselves real jobs.

Fellow Nigerians, never again must we condone irresponsible leaders who go into government to fill their pockets with the nation’s wealth. The same goes for those in the opposition who, after losing elections, go underground to plan activities that make the country ungovernable, terrorising the country just because they could not lay their hands on the keys to the national vault.

Remember, “… when we succeed, we succeed … because we do things together“–Barack Obama.

Please read on.

Organising Nigerian Voters at the State and Local Levels of Governance

Calling on Nigerian Youths to Rise Up and Take Their Destinies in Their Hands

Envisaging and Overcoming Possible Obstacles to our Revolutionary Ideals

Reaching Out to the Gangsters That are Destroying Nigeria

Organising Nigerian Voters at the State and Local Levels of Governance

state and local levels

The 20 million+ voter force goal of the RevNig Movement (RevNig) is designed not only as a platform for Nigerians to act and force reforms at the federal level of government but also to enforce changes at the state and local levels of governance.

For example, in the 2016 Edo State governorship election, 1,779,738 (about 1.7 million) in the state registered to vote. Still, only 613,244 voted, leaving out 1,166,494 (about 1.6m) non-voters that could make a big difference, especially when the winner of the election won by a popular vote of just 253,173. Added to this is the number of unregistered voters that cut across all the federation states.

Also, states and local governments have a sizable number of the youth population whose votes alone can win elections. These levels of government have citizens in the diaspora who can persuade dependants back home to vote for credible candidates. They have, as well, internet users who will help spread the message and sway elections in favour of responsible and responsive leaders.

On this note, RevNig urges citizens of each state and local government to organise themselves into credible voters force that will elect men of honour who will serve their interests.

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Through the RevNig Movement, Nigerians will be able to actualise their dreams. Collectively, we will vote in unison to change leadership at all levels of authority in Nigeria. Remember,

Democracy breaks down when the average person feels their voice doesn’t matter“–Barack Obama.

Join us now!

Please read on.

Calling on Nigerian Youths to Rise Up and Take Their Destinies in Their Hands

Envisaging and Overcoming Possible Obstacles to our Revolutionary Ideals

Reaching Out to the Gangsters That are Destroying Nigeria

Calling on Nigerian Youths to Rise Up and Take Their Destinies into Their Hands

Nigerian youths

Nigerian youngsters, who are the bedrock of the Nigerian economy, are schemed out of governance by the older class who have destroyed the nation since Independence. This scheming must stop now! The RevNig Movement (RevNig) calls on Nigerian youths to use their numeric advantage to take charge of their destinies.

Nigeria became the largest economy in Africa a few years ago, based majorly on the contributions of the younger generation. The entertainment and telecommunication sectors and the more than $24 billion yearly remittances from abroad, propelled primarily by the youth population, are the three major sectors of the economy that pushed Nigeria into the most outstanding economy in Africa. 

While the youths bring their hard-earned and much needed foreign exchange into the country, on the other hand, Nigeria’s so-called leaders loot the nation’s resources abroad. Resources that would have complemented remittances to make Nigeria one of the strongest economies in the world, ending the misery brought to Nigerians by self-centred leaders.

RevNig calls on Nigerian youths at home and abroad to use their numeric power to change their fate in our quest for responsible and responsive leaders. The 2015 State of the World Population estimated the population of youngsters in Nigeria at 86,194,823 (about 86 million). This figure is more than the total number of registered voters (68,833,476) in Nigeria and almost three times the total number of votes cast in the 2015 general elections–29,432,083 (about 29 million). More so now that Nigeria’s population is estimated to be more than 200 million in 2022. This youth population implies that if Nigerian youths refused to sell their conscience and vote wisely, they could determine who serves or represents us—considering that the All Progressives Congress (APC) won the 2015 presidential election with less than 16 million votes.

Furthermore, every Nigerian age 25 and above is eligible to seek an elective position or a political appointment. Nigerian youths must not shy away from their responsibilities. They will, at least, do better than the so-called leaders of today, whose only experience is how to loot money and rig elections.

Nigerian youths interested in elective positions or government appointments should join other intellectuals at home and abroad and online in creating awareness for themselves–introducing themselves and their ideology to Nigerians through their websites, blogs, or social media accounts. RevNig will call on you to be nominated, elected or appointed based on your ideas, expertise, and qualification through opinion polls.

Never again must any Nigerian youth stay aloof while the actions and inactions of our leaders are destroying their lives.

Many Nigerian youths are driven into lives of enslavement, immorality and crime at home and abroad because of the harsh economic situation perpetuated by our so-called leaders. Resources that would have given them a better life are stolen, resulting in hunger and starvation. As such, Nigerian youths embrace prostitution, drug dealing, 419, terrorism, the sale of their body parts like the kidney and the like to survive. Those who would rather die seeking greener pasture abroad than die–all the same–at home are daily meeting their death when passing through the desert or crossing the sea.

If Nigerian youths want to avert the even darker future that awaits them, they must register to vote and join the 20 million+ voters goal of the RevNig Movement. It is time the youths changed their destinies for good. In the words of Yakubu Dogara, who is part of the failed leadership in Nigeria also:

This country belongs to you but it’s under the stranglehold of men and women of a generation that have overreached itself. the truth is that nothing will be ceded or conceded to your generation without a fight.

Join us now!

Envisaging and Overcoming Possible Obstacles to Our Revolutionary Ideals

possible obstacles

Fellow Nigerians, the ultimate power to change Nigeria for good lies in our hands. If we use our electoral power wisely, we will be able to determine who serves us and how. Together, we will always overcome any obstacles and select the right people who will genuinely rescue the nation, irrespective of the political platform they belong to or the ideology they uphold.

With the power of a 20 million+ voters’ force, we will have political parties, politicians, and other leaders kowtowing to the people’s demands if they need votes. We will only embrace candidates that agree with the ideals of the RevNig Movement (RevNig).

Fellow Nigerians, despite having the power of the people behind us, it is essential to be aware of possible obstacles that may come our way in our revolutionary drive to rid Nigeria of evil personified leaders. The following are obstacles we may encounter and how to avoid them.

Financing an electoral campaign

The major obstacle we may encounter is funding electioneering campaigns. Candidates will be able to finance electoral activities with a bit of token from each of us and international donors. For example, if 10 million out of the expected RevNig’s 20 million+ voter force at home and abroad donate $10 each to a candidate, this will amount to $100 million. This sum of money will pay for a presidential campaign.

This fundraising idea applies to Federal, state, legislative and local government chairmanship elections.

Fellow Nigerians, a $10 donation to candidates during elections—once or twice a year, is less than what some pay as offering or as tithes to religious organisations weekly or monthly. This sum is what some of us use in smoking and drinking daily, weekly or monthly. It is time we endeavoured to open our pocket to the most critical need of our time—salvaging Nigeria from the hands of crooks parading themselves as leaders.

Changing the mentality of the electorates

Another obstacle that we will overcome is changing the vote-selling mentality of the Nigerian voters, voters who sacrifice the betterment of their future and that of the younger generations for peanuts—as little as 5000 naira.

We will overcome this unfortunate obstacle if concerned Nigerians, at home and abroad, take time to lecture each other about what we are losing by selling our votes.

Nigerians must understand that they are forsaking their security, affordable healthcare, education and general well-being for peanuts by selling their votes. They must know that they are surrendering good roads, potable water supply and regular power supply for pennies. Above all, they must realise that they are ceding the nation’s long-term peace and prosperity for instant gratification.

Fellow Nigerians, the power is in our hands; we must use it now! In the words of Nelson Mandela:

There is no easy way to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires.”

Please join RevNig’s 20 million+ voters force today!

Please read on:

Virtues of a Revolutionary Leader: Leaders Nigeria Need Today

Voters’ Checklist: Screening and Choosing Nigerian Leaders

Determining and Finding Credible Nigerians to Lead