Fellow Nigerian, the power to make Nigeria a better country lies in our hands–the people, and if we utilise this power appropriately, we will have a nation of your dream: a peaceful and prosperous country.
We must never again let any politician read us the same old script of empty promises – provision of good roads, potable water supply, regular electricity and the likes. These promises are not the first concerns we must consider when choosing Nigerian leaders, we must consider their character and ideals of those making these commitments. It is time we took our destinies in our arms and do the screening of candidates by ourselves.
The people are the masters.
As masters who want to elect servants and messengers to serve us, we must seek answers to the following questions.
1. Nigerians must ask candidates if they consent to the four primary missions of the RevNigeria Movement(RevNig). Especially ideas like fixing the corrupted electoral system and revolutionising the fight against corruption in Nigeria.
2. We must ask candidates if they own websites/blogs or any other platform where electorates can know more about them. A medium where voters can access information like candidates’ educational qualification, health status, assets declaration, past positions held as well as their opinions on national, subregional, regional, and international issues, including social, religious, and moral issues.
This demand will discourage hoodlums such as certificate forgers, false assets declarants and the likes from attempting to contest for positions of authority because the authenticity of this information will be proven by watchdog organisations and the civil society before elections.
3. Cutting Wastages: The everyday Nigerian should be asking candidates how they intend to reduce the bloated cost of running the government as a result of politicians’ exotic lifestyles.
That is, if they and their associates are ready to be paid as proposed by RevNig: that the highest paid Nigerian must not earn more than ten times the minimum wage. It is a just call which a responsive leader must embrace.
Also, we must know if they will do away with presidential/private jets as well as exotic cars and fly the Nigerian carrier and ride on Nigerian made vehicles.
4. We must demand to know from those vying to be legislatures if they are ready to ease laws such as the freedom of information and the recall vote or to enact legislation like independent candidacy, voting rights for Nigerians abroad, part-time parliamentarians, and the scrapping of the Senate.
Write down the answers each candidate gives, compare results and nominate who you think is the best-qualified candidate. Express your opinion at the RevNig’s nomination polls and go out and vote the chosen one on election day. The nomination poll will be conducted on this site.
Fellow Nigerian, when you ask these questions or make these demands when choosing Nigerian leaders, there will be no doubt that the candidate you nominate will be the best to serve your interest.
Be sure to join the movement.
Please read on.
Virtues of a Revolutionary Leader: Leaders Nigeria Need Today