The RevNig Movement (RevNig) urges aspiring revolutionary leaders to team up with like-minded Patriots–online and offline–to form a credible alternative to the cults we have as political parties today.
Prospective political office holders must start reaching out to each other and forming alliances. Through their thoughts and desires, coalitions of ideologically like-minded persons will emerge organically and grow into political parties established based on principles. These ideologies will usher in a healthy democratic contest based on governance ideals rather than ethnic, religious, or geographical considerations. Consequently, Nigerians will progressively align with the different ideological groups.
Fellow Nigerians, Nigerian leaders may not all strive to be president, governors, or in any other elective positions; many government ministries, departments, and agencies also need radical changes. Thus, if you know how any of the above named MDAs can better meet the needs of the people, you only need to show how knowledgeable and credible you are in your chosen discipline through your websites or blogs. RevNig will call upon you to hold leadership positions based on your capabilities.
Join the RevNig Movement today!
Remember, “Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber”– Plato.
Note: Ortos Webdesign offers free services to individuals and organisations who wish to create websites for humanitarian and political purposes.
Please continue reading.
Mission 2c: Requesting Would-Be Leaders to Get Ready for Future Elections
Mission 2d: Enjoining Aspirants to Raise Funds Through Their Websites and RevNig
Calling on Nigerians Who Hate Politics to Consider Again
Promoting the Ideals of the RevNig Movement
Calling on Responsive and Responsible Nigerian Elites to Lead