The RevNig Movement (RevNig) calls on responsible Nigerian elites who are ready to make sacrifices for Nigeria to come out and lead the revolution. True nationalists who will roll up their sleeves and volunteer to dig Nigeria out of the never-ending pit of darkness our so-called leaders have dug the nation into. Patriots who will sacrifice personal aggrandisement and the grandeur of power for the upliftment of their fatherland. Men of honour who will offer to serve Nigeria with little or no benefit but for the overall good of the nation.
Professionals in science and technology, information technology, medicine, engineering, economics, artificial intelligence, forensics, robotics, activism and the like, at home and abroad, who possess the knowledge that will help propel Nigeria into economic prosperity must live up to their responsibilities today!
It is time you responsive and responsible Nigerian elites came together. Never again must you doctors and professors allow yourselves to be used only as electoral or returning officers for touts who are hardly qualified to be in elective positions. Never again must you continue to kowtow to the whims of empty-headed touts who call themselves Nigerian leaders. At no time again must you leave the stage for criminals to ruin our country. You must now come out of your shells and claim your rightful place in the governance of Nigeria.
It is not enough to murmur in your bedrooms or criticise quietly; you must act now! The RevNig Movement is providing you with an open platform to operate.
No more excuses! Join us now!
“I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.” — Charles de Gaulle
Please read on.
Mission 2a: Urging Potential Leaders to Reach Out to Nigerians
Mission 2b: Imploring Aspiring Leaders to Coalesce with Like-Minded Patriots
Mission 2c: Requesting Would-Be Leaders to Get Ready for Future Elections
Mission 2d: Enjoining Aspirants to Raise Funds Through Their Websites and RevNig
Calling on Nigerians Who Hate Politics to Consider Again
Promoting the Ideals of the RevNig Movement
Calling on Responsive and Responsible Nigerian Elites to Lead